LA House Cleaning - Hired 104 Workers Within 4 Months

La House Cleaning Referral Agency is one of the best referral agencies in town. They have proven to provide the best service to their clients.

They pride themselves in referring domestic workers who provide excellent house cleaning services to residents and businesses in Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino Area, and the world.

To maintain the great service being offered to clients they also need to make sure that all of their contractors are well screened and professional. And they need to keep up with the number of clients they have.

They are already established their business, however, they seemed to have problems in getting reliable cleaners and can show consistency. They needed to get some help in order to improve their recruiting process. And low and behold, they have found us KB Recruiting- Hiring Simplified.

We have provided them with exactly what they need. Since the business is well established, they have lots of clients to maintain and sometimes could not find the right time and process in hiring. And that’s what we do best here in KB Recruiting.

Process: LA House Cleaning Referral Agency reached out to us and was in dire need of cleaners. We took over their hiring process. We have made everything simplified. We have shown them the automation we have in place. We took over the messaging, job posting, and even scheduling the applicant’s interview. We also have a system in place to filter the applications that meet the criteria set by the company. Everything is simplified and automated. The only part that they need to do is the interview part and onboarding part and the rest is on us!

Result: After letting us take over their hiring process, they were able to hire 104 workers in just 4 months! How cool is that? Trust the process and enjoy the results!

Helping the Cleaning Industry Double Their Revenue, By Being Able To Leverage Staff On Demand

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